General Information
Emergency Assistance
o Police:
Dial 100
o Ambulance:
Dial 101
o Fire Brigade:
Dial 102
Time difference in Israel
Israeli Standard Time is seven hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time, U.S.A.
Please click here for time converter:
Electronic Appliances in Israel
Please note that the electric current in Israel is 230 volts AC, single phase, 50 Hertz. Most of the hotels in Israel provide hair dryers and 110/230 electric shaver sockets. Some of your small appliances may require a converter which you can buy before your trip.
Израильская компания Доктор Нона предлагает именно натуральные компоненты в своей линии средств для ухода за телом, укрепления и оздоровления. – Dr Nona Израиль